
Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Understanding Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar” is commonly used to refer to someone who acts hot and cold, popularized by Katy Perry’s hit single, “Hot N Cold.” To be hot and cold, in the context of a relationship, is to sometimes act close to your significant other, but then in the next moment to pull away. In general, it’s someone who acts one way and then suddenly acts in a different way later, and then keeps switching back and forth. It is usually a source of vexation to people when they have people in their lives who act this way, and they often use the term “bipolar” to categorize these individuals. However, true bipolar disorder is more than just having capricious whims. Bipolar disorder is a serious condition that affects many more people than you might think, most recently Catherine Zeta Jones, the famous actress. Famous and non-famous people alike suffer from bipolar disorder, and the public would do well to inform themselves of what this mental disorder truly entails.

Thursday, September 01, 2011

Different Symptoms Of Bipolar Manic And Depressive Phases

Bipolar disorder is a psychiatric disorder, which refers to the person's mood swings of mania and depression. It 'been characterized by episodes of chronic depression, mania and / or mixed. Initially, bipolar disorder can not be wrong, another problem as a mental illness. You can also have alcohol or substance abuse, or poor performance at school or at work. Bipolar disorder is often not identified as a psychological problem because of the episodic behavior. This is why people who suffer from this anomaly may suffer for years without relief. Bipolar disorder patients with a variety of mood cycles, which are specific to each. Models of becoming predictable, as they have been recognized. The different moods associated with bipolar disorder include depression, hypomania and mania.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

How To Cure Bipolar Disorder

To learn how to cure bipolar disorder is essential for all involved. But the first signs of illness demands and recognizing the presence of an anomaly is significant.

Bipolar disorder is difficult to diagnose in its behavioral manifestations are often poorly understood and are not immediately recognized by mental health professionals. These people are already struggling with the disease, but due to lack of diagnosis or misdiagnosis, may suffer needlessly for years. Bipolar disorder is a serious medical condition. However, with proper treatment, many people with bipolar disorder can live a full life.

Types Of Bipolar Disorder - How To Differentiate Adequately

Are unknown to many, there are two main types of bipolar disorder, or bipolar disorder I and bipolar II disorder. The fundamental difference between the disorders, if a person has been a manic episode or not. Distinguish the differences should be understood in manic and major depressive disorder - symptoms of bipolar disorder.

The symptoms of a manic episode will have increased self-esteem, decreased need for sleep, gossip, racing thoughts or flight of ideas, concentration, growth in goal, and very unnecessary involvement in pleasurable activities such as shopping Wild or sexual indiscretions that may have possible negative consequences.

Causes Of Bipolar Disorder - 11 Points To Remember

To succeed in life, it is imperative to be healthy and wise. Despite the physical limitations of the body to fight and deal with, the basic unit of our body is our brain is absolutely perfect for living a happy and successful. All the things that we need above all to have a sharp brain to understand our environment and to act promptly and well-considered decisions.

Caution ! - Bipolar Disorder In Children

Most professionals in the care of children and young people aware of the pace with increases in children and young people, but the most important pre-pubescent children who have been diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Although estimates vary moments, it is interesting to note a series of statistics recently reported. The New York Times, an article was published in September 2007, said that 10 years ranging from 1993 to 2003, was forty times the speed with which these patients are diagnosed with bipolar disorder, while the more scientific article (Youngstrom, 2005 ) noted that the marked increase was found in number of diagnoses in children with Child Protective Services workers in Illinois. Other authors have referred to this strong growth rate, some positive (NOW 2007 and Papalos Papalos, 2006), while saying that there must be increased even more.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Dry Mouth and Medications

When cerebration about the abeyant ancillary furnishings of bipolar medications, you may not anticipate about one that some of them allotment with about amid 600 and 1800 added decree drugs -- dry mouth.
It may complete like a simple inconvenience, but we charge saliva. It washes abroad acids from aliment we eat that would contrarily eat into the teeth, and it contains minerals that advice accumulate teeth healthy. When the aperture is consistently dry, tooth adulteration is abundant added likely. Dry aperture can abundantly accord to gum ache -- a forerunner to periodontal disease, and even abeyant tooth loss.
Gum Ache Can Be Serious
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